Truth and Liberty-South Carolina

Government Mountain

     A nation’s moral condition is often reflected in its’ political leaders. Unfortunately, we have seen a steady increase in political corruption, as well as a steady erosion of the link between our government and legal system and the Christian values upon which our country was founded. Our goal is to educate and equip citizens so they can effectively influence government at all levels with truth and righteousness. 1

     Christians must apply God’s word, the Bible, in all aspects of daily living including at work, home, school, recreation, business, voting, and when engaged in social media and other means of communication. An understanding of the Constitution and other founding documents is also vital to protecting our God-given rights and preserving them. To view the documents associated with the founding of the United States of America, including the Constitution, the Bill of Rights with other amendments, and the Declaration of Independence, see Truth and Liberty Coalition’s Research Center. Also see The American Constitutional Rights Union, a 501(c)3 organization established to protect our unalienable outlined in the U.S. Constitution.

Learn more about the Constitution and 

the founding fathers here —>>> 

The United States 0f America was founded as a


Learn more by clicking the link above AND

by watching this informative video.

(8.27 minutes)


Courses to increase your knowledge of U.S. civics and your Biblical world view
  • Be knowledgeable about your constitutional rights, be able to defend your freedom and secure your liberties by taking the CONSTITUTION ALIVE! course offered by Patriot Academy. Cost is $16 for the book.
  • Wallbuilders is a nonprofit organization that helps Americans remember and preserve the true history of their nation’s Christian foundation. It offers historical documents, events, books, videos, and conferences to educate and inspire people of faith. The organization’s name is taken from the Old Testament story of Nehemiah, who led a grassroots movement to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and restore its strength and honor. 
  • Sign up for a free course on the U.S. Constitution, the Bible or on various other topics at HILLSDALE COLLEGE, one of the oldest U.S. Christian colleges. HILLSDALE takes no federal funds, and offers over 40 free online courses to the public including the following: Constitution 101: the Meaning and History of the Constitution; Marxism, Socialism, and Communism; The Federalist Papers; The Exodus Story; Ancient Christianity; C.S. Lewis on Christianity;  The Second World Wars; and many others.

“Have I not commanded you?

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged for 

the Lord our God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 

  • Think Biblically about culture and politics –  A course (free for a limited time) by My Faith Votes, consisting of a series of six 10-20 minute videos designed to bring Biblical clarity to Christians on the topic of cultural issues.

  • Colson Center is an organization founded by the late Chuck Colson, who recognized that U.S. churches were focused on evangelism but were missing the “cultural commission,” neglecting potential influence in the culture. This organization provides podcasts (notably, BREAKPOINT), courses, training and events designed to engage Christians in culture.

This documentary film brings to light the many false claims about what occurred on January 6, 2021 at our U.S. Capitol.

1 Copied with permission from