Truth and Liberty-South Carolina

Education Mountain

Once, our education system unapologetically incorporated Biblical principles and prayer into students’ daily routines. Now, our children are being indoctrinated with liberal ideologies, atheistic teaching and postmodern principles in our public schools and even in Christian institutions. We seek to restore Biblical truth and Godly morality into our country’s failing educational system. 1  Learning about God: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; His saving grace; His forgiveness of our sins; His mercy, love, and beauty; and our identity as a children of God are all foundational. Without knowing these basic truths from the Bible, we are ships afloat on the sea of the unknown, lost and without hope. Bible teaching at church is essential to all Christians, from toddlers to senior citizens, in order to have a firm foundation of truth in this world and not be swayed by the immorality in our culture. Christians are to share our “light.” As Matthew 5:14-16 states, Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

Sunday School for Children, Youth, and Adults



Children enjoy the worship service at Faith Life Church, then meet in “Sunday School” (above)   to learn about Jesus and the Bible. The Children’s Ministry, Faith Life Kids, is directed by Pastor Shaye Stephens. 


“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 KJV



Joshua and Hannah Shuman head up the Youth Ministry at Faith Life Church, discipling youth in the Word of God and organizing activities for the youth group.

“Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” 1 Tim 4:12 KJV




Associate Pastors Allen and Laurie LaFaver (right) along with Teachers David and Luwana Moore (left), provide discipleship training. Discipleship is defined as the condition of being a disciple, follower, or a student of some philosophy, especially a follower of Jesus Christ. 2

“Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.” John 15:8 KJV

State Resources for Public School Education in South Carolina

South Carolina Department of Education is the administrative arm of the State Board of Education. The SC DOE was established in Article XI § 1 of South Carolina Constitution.

South Carolina’s Board of Education consists of 17 members, one appointed from each of the state’s 16 judicial circuits by the legislators representing the various circuits, and a 17th member appointed by the governor. Members are appointed for four-year terms.

SCDE Superintendent Ellen Weaver’s term of office is January 11th, 2023 to January 13th, 2027. She is the chief state school officer and the position is an elected one. The superintendent is responsible for administering school policy and operating the state’s school system and serves as secretary to the State Board of Education. 3

The SCDE organizational chart

Public School Districts for the Upstate

Anderson County

Anderson County Schools-Board of Education consists of five school districts within the county:  One, Two, Three, Four, and Five. Meeting dates are posted on the BOE website, as well as the Board Members for each of the nine areas within the County (That is, there are nine areas encompassing the five school districts and there is a board member for each area). There is a superintendent for each of the five school districts: District One, Dr. Seth Young; District Two, Mr. Jason Johns; District Three, Mrs. Kathy D. Hipp; District Four, Mr. M. Dee Christopher; and District Five, Mrs. Brenda Kelley.

To find out your school district, look at your SC voter registration card. Under the heading “School,” you will see listed the number of your school district; however, when you are voting in elections, you must refer to the number listed under the heading “Misc 1.” This is your School Trustee Area. If you cannot locate your voter registration card, go to and enter your information to find your School Trustee Area. When voting for school board, it’s the number under “Misc 1” that tells you the School Trustee Area; however, you vote for every trustee in your school district.  Confused?  Contact Mike Upton, Chair of the Anderson County Board of Education. (864)299-3022.

Greenville County

Greenville County Schools

are all in one school district,  under 12 Board of Trustees from each of 12 respective districts in the county (Area 17-Area 28).  School board meeting calendar, agendas and minutes from previous meetings, contact information for board members, and citizen participation information is on the B.O.T. website. W. Burke Royster Ph.D. is the superintendent of Greenville County Schools.

Laurens County

The Laurens County Schools have two school districts: 

School District 55 and School District 56.

The superintendent of School District 55 is Dr. Jody Penland. School Board meetings are recorded and available on the District 55 Office of Public Information YouTube Channel. A seven member board of trustees govern the District 55 School Board of Trustees 

and the board meeting meeting calendar and other pertinent information is on the District 55 BOT website. The superintendent of District 56 is Dr. David O’Shields. Seven school board members comprise the District 56 Board with one member being from each of seven areas in the district. The school board meeting calendar, agendas, minutes, and other pertinent information is on the District 56 School Board website.

Oconee County

Oconee County Schools are all in a single district, governed by the School Board of Trustees of Oconee County. The board consists of five elected members, one from each of the five county council districts within Oconee County. Information on the Board’s calendar of meetings, agendas, minutes, and live stream of meetings is contained on the SBTOC website.

The School District of Oconee County provides a tool that identifies what schools a particular address is zoned to attend.  You may locate the schools for any property address within Oconee County. This is the School Zone Locator

The Superintendent of Schools for Oconee County is Dr. Michael Thorsland


Pickens County

The School District of Pickens County (SDPC) is governed by a seven member Board of Trustees. The seven-member Board of Trustees governs the actions of the School District of Pickens County. One member for each of seven districts is elected for staggered four-year terms. Information on meetings, agendas, meeting minutes and the SDPC YouTube channel is available on both the BOT webpage and also here. The superintendent for SDPC is Dr. Danny Merck.

Home School Resources in the Upstate

The South Carolina Homeschooling Connection

provides resources on getting started, record-keeping, an associations directory, and information on legislation and policies.


The Home School Mom website provides a directory of homeschool organizations and local groups as well as conferences and events in South Carolina and information on classes, arts, sports, and field trips. Free planner available.

The South Carolina Home Educators’ Association, partnership with Palmetto Family is a 501(c)3  statewide organization whose mission is to monitor legislation in order to preserve homeschool rights in South Carolina and to encourage homeschool families and the organizations that serve them. Membership is free and offers information on accountability organizations and support groups.

Heart Homeschool Group is a homeschool association and an option 3 accountability group located in Anderson County, SC.  HHG  provides all the necessary support and services to legally homeschool your children in SC.

Hope Homeschool Group is an option 3 accountability group to help you legally homeschool in South Carolina. This organization, located in Anderson County, also provides “HOMESCHOOLING FROM A TO Z,” as well as support groups and co-ops.

News & Other Resources in the Educational Arena

South Carolina’s highest court ruled on September 11, 2024 that School Choice vouchers violates the Constitution.

Read article here.

South Carolina law explaining the role of the Board of Trustees  Each school district shall be under the management and control of the board of school trustees, subject to the supervision and orders of the county board of education.

 “See You At the Library” Initiative and BRAVE books for children, an alternative to drag queen story hours.

Kirk Cameron’s Books, DVDs, etc. 

Whose Children Are They?   A very important film to view for parents and grandparents of children in public schools

The Adventures of Rush Revere Rush Limbaugh’s patriotic story books are captivating for kids! Free resources including study guides and activity sheets are available for download.

The use of pronouns has become controversial in many areas, but particularly in gender-confused children in public schools today. Alliance Defending Freedom and author Neal Hardin explains the vast implications for free speech. ADF also successfully defended a Pennsylvania teacher who faced censorship of her religious expression when she wanted to pass out invitations to her students for her church’s community-wide Christmas part.

Little Patriots is a free dynamic educational program designed to inspire young minds (K – 5th) with the rich history and foundational values of America. Created by Dr. Ben Carson, M.D., neurosurgeon and 17th U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, this program offers interactive lessons, captivating stories, and fun activities.



Running for school board or a newly elected board member?  The Family Policy Foundation offers  SCHOOL BOARD ACADEMY which will equip you and provide training from a Biblical world view.

Parental Rights Information and Issues

from the Family Policy Alliance



1 Copied with permission from


SC Encyclopedia Dan G. Ruff author, published August 1, 2016