Truth and Liberty-South Carolina


How to follow legislation

in the U.S. Congress

The government tracking system for bills in the U.S. Senate and the House is known as  This website is objective, straightforward and sometimes quite dry but does have an extraordinary number of capabilities. Create an account and sign in each time that you use the website. is a project of Civic Impulse, LLC, a completely independent entity which is wholly owned by its operator and receives no funding in any form from outside organizations. It has  no financers, sponsors, investors, or partners, nor do we have any affiliation or relationship (financial or otherwise) with any political party, government agency, or any other outside group or persons. Free with ads.

Step One is to create a login 

Step Two is read How to Use GovTrack

Step Three is to follow the instructions given on the above page, finding your senators and representative and creating tracker lists for each of them, and for the Bills and Resolutions in Congress in which you have interest.

NOTE-The South Carolina Legislature consists of the Senate and the House. The Legislature meets each year beginning on the second Tuesday of January through the middle of May, with a two week furlough period, as specified by the Speaker. 


You can use the forms on the link above to find and contact a specific legislator OR click the green link below to email both your senator and representative simultaneously.

The South Carolina Policy Council is South Carolina’s longest-serving free market research organization. This non-profit provides information and research on legislation, health care, education, workforce and regulation, government transparency, as well as legislative scorecards.

How to follow legislation 

in the South Carolina Legislature

Step One is to go to S. C. Legislature home page

Step Two is to click on Track Legislation in the lefthand column and log in after creating an account.

Step Three create a custom pdf report by using various criteria such as bill status, sponsor, committee, subject, and formal index.    

Step Four is to create tracking lists to keep track of personalized lists of bills for the current legislative session by creating as many as 10 lists with a maximum of 1000 bills per list.  The lists can be targeted within the Subscription panel (see below) to notify a user when any bill in their list has changed.

Step Five is to make subscriptions to emails of document selections, bills, tracking lists, committee meetings (senate and house),  and sponsors (senate and house).

FIND and MESSAGE BOTH your SC state senator and SC STATE representative via this link

View your SC legislators’ scorecardS at the bottom of

this page